indigo is a freelance illustrator and former architect currently based in Zürich but originally from Geneva. She likes to work with different mediums ranging from digital paint and vector drawings, to more analog techniques like oil paintings, collages or sculptures. She loves to give expressiveness to her drawings, using cut outs and color combinations, both of which play a big role in her practice. She works mainly on editorial illustration, for publishing houses and newspaper or on cultural projects.
Cover of the book *Liquidations* by Cécile Toussaint
Cover of the book *Crevel, Cénotaphe* by Marc Verlynde
Cover of the book *Habitacles* by Jérôme Orsoni
Cover for the magazine *la lettre du musicien: les régions*
illustration for the book *le monument infini*
Cover for the book *Praxis critique ontologique* by Kosmokritik
Cover for the book *Qatar des morts* by Laurent Margantin
Cover for the book *Qatar des morts* by Laurent Margantin
Cover for the book *Praxis critique ontologique* by Kosmokritik